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Free Dance Day




October 26, 2024

11AM - 5PM

FREE - advance registration recommended.
All ages, identities, bodies, and minds welcome!

Location: Loyola Park, 1230 W. Greenleaf Ave. Chicago, IL 60626.
including Sky Room (indoors), gym (indoors).

Free Dance Day brings together people of all ages, backgrounds, and experience levels to enjoy a day filled with dance classes, performances, and festivities, all for free!

This family friendly program at Loyola Park, hosted previously by Synapse Arts, expands this year in partnership with fellow Arts Partner in Residence Chicago Tap Theatre. This open-house style event invites you into our home studio to celebrate dance and the fun freedom of Halloween.

Come for Free Dance Day, then stay for the Boo! Bash hosted by the Loyola Park Advisory Council, which includes a DJ dance party, crafts, snacks, and a Halloween-y photo booth.

Free Dance Day 2024 Highlights:
* FREE Dance Classes for kids and adults
* FREE Synapse Student Performance Troupe & Chicago Tap Theatre professional company showings, PLUS a rare joint performance by both Chicago Tap Theatre and Synapse! (learn more about performance troupe here or email with questions)* Halloween Party Boo! Bash in Collaboration with Loyola Park Advisory Council
* Learning the Thriller dance together
* Costume giveaway from our DanceWear Share Library - perfect for dance class, performance, and/or Halloween costumes! (learn more about it here: DanceWear Share Library)
* An applicant workshop for artists interested in Synapse Arts - New Works 2025
* Merchandise available for sale from Chicago Tap Theatre

After Free Dance Day upstairs, join us at the Boo! Bash hosted in the gym by the Loyola Park Advisory Council. Our artists will be teaching the Thriller dance to get the party started!

Access and location information (wayfinding)

Información de acceso y ubicación (wayfinding)

In order to make these events accessible to the public, Free Dance Day provides accessibility services at events such as ASL interpreters, Amplified Lead Voice, wayfinding, large print and sensory adaptations including a quiet room. For additional accessibility requests or questions, please contact us by email at, or call or text 947-2CREATE (947-227-3283).

There is no dress code, please wear clothes you can move comfortably in. This can include soft soled dance shoes or socks or bare feet.

Please refrain from wearing or using products with strong scents in the studio.

Chicago Tap Theatre and Synapse Arts combined performanceJoin us for a fun upbeat show celebrating all things dance at Free Dance Day! Featuring the young dancers of the Synapse Arts Student Performance Troupe, professional tap dancers from Chicago Tap Theatre, and a special crossover performance where CTT and Synapse artists jam together!

Costume Swap/GiveawayNeed a dance costume? Come grab one from our DanceWear Share Library! We have lots of fun costumes with sparkles, fringe, and more - perfect for a fun show or for Halloween! Professional dancers, students, and kids alike are all welcome to take any items that fit your needs.

Free Dance Day 2024 - 2nd Floor Lobby Tables
Stop by our tables on the 2nd floor lobby to learn more about Synapse Arts and Chicago Tap Theatre and our classes and performances! Support more community events like Free Dance Day by making a donation, buying Chicago Tap Theatre merchandise, or participating in a Synapse Arts raffle.

Sensory Supportive RoomA sensory friendly rest area will be available throughout the event in the Little Library on the first floor of Loyola Park. The library contains books and toys suitable for children, and during the event our facilitators will offer items such as fidget tools, ear defenders, soft items such as pillows and blankets, knitting supplies, and masks. Visitors are also welcome to utilize their own sensory tools and/or craft/knitting supplies in this space!
The Sensory Supportive Room is facilitated by Synapse Disability Consultant Maggie Bridger.
Please note: During our event this room is a masked area. This is an access-centered space, and we want to make it as safe as possible to be here. One easy and effective way to do that is by wearing a mask. Masks will be available, or you can bring your own if you prefer!

Thriller at the BooBashLearn the iconic “Thriller” dance at the Loyola Park BooBash! The BooBash is presented by Loyola Park and held in the first floor gymnasium. Guest teaching artists from Synapse and Chicago Tap Theatre will make a special appearance during the BooBash to teach “Thriller” and dance it out with attendees for some Halloween fun!

Photo by Scott Campana

Photos by: Mathew Gregory Hollis, Megan Rhyme

Class Descriptions

Kids Dance Class with Synapse Arts

Synapse teaching artist favorite Ms V teaches a fun dance class for children ages 4-8 years. This energetic class incorporates music, dance and self-expression while incorporating styles like jazz and hip-hop dance.

Taught by Synapse teaching artist Vanessa Maxwell.

Plus, your child can "try it out" for the Synapse Arts Performance Troupe! Want to see your dancer shine through their performance or gain more confidence? The  Performance Troupe is the perfect thing to help them. We spend a dedicated hour each week, working on choreography, performance skills and preparing for future performances. Any child who attends class on Free Dance Day and is a good fit for the Troupe can register for the Winter Session with no further approvals needed. Come try it out!

Adult Modern - Trans Dance Connect with Reign Drop and Synapse Arts

Designed to create space for transgender dancers and their allies, Trans Dance Connect is a modern dance class designed for beginners and those returning to dance after some time off. Our main objective is to come together, everything else is low stakes, high reward. Join us for some spirals, floorwork, movement combinations, and improv!

Taught by Synapse collaborator Reign Drop.

Health and Safety Protocols: Social distancing and mask wearing is encouraged. We ask that participants negotiate their comfort levels in each setting, including requesting masks be worn. For requests with accessibility assistance, please contact or call or text our access request line at 947-2CREATE (947-227-3283). The Chicago Park District mandates are here.

Family Dance Class with Synapse Arts

Parents and kiddos get the chance to dance together in a fun-for-all-ages class! Incorporating ballet, jazz, and more, this class will get you moving and grooving together. Recommended for ages 2 and up along with their caregivers.

Taught by Synapse teaching artist Katie Matteson Campana.

New Works Applicant Workshop
Previous New Works 2012 Artist, CDF Lab Artist, and New Works panel reviewer Chris Knowlton leads this 90 minute workshop for artists applying for New Works 2025, assisted by former New Works 2023 artist, Link Hall CO-mission artist, and 2020 New Works panel reviewer Jamila Kekulah. The workshop will include both interactive instructional time, as well as a guided working/writing session. Though primarily geared towards preparing applicants for New Works, participants are welcome to bring other dancemaking applications for feedback during the guided working/writing time.
Workshop space will be capped at 15 participants.


Questions? Email or Lucas at

Thank you to our amazing sponsors!

Are you interested in sponsoring Free Dance Day?

Free Dance Day 2024 will offer children and adults the opportunity to celebrate and express themselves through dance and we invite you to partner with us!

Sponsoring Free Dance Day allows your organization to connect directly with the local community in a special way, while they’re celebrating dance, art, and enjoying the Halloween festivities.

We offer various sponsorship levels to accommodate different budgets, ranging from $100 to $2,500. As a Synapse Arts Sponsor, you will enjoy a range of benefits tailored to your level of support. These include:

* Program Ads: Your organization's message will be prominently featured in our event program, ensuring visibility to all attendees.

* Shoutouts: Throughout the day, we will acknowledge your support with shoutouts, recognizing your commitment to the community.

* Merchandise Ads: Your brand can reach a broader audience through ads on our event merchandise and banners, leaving a lasting impression.


If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or would like to discuss sponsorship levels and benefits in more detail, please feel free to reach out to our Education and Development Director Megan at or 920-819-5467. We would be happy to arrange a meeting at your convenience.

Sábado, 28 de octubre, 2023

12 - 5PM

  1. GRATIS - se recomienda inscribirse con antelación.

Todas las edades, las identidades, los cuerpos y las mentes son bienvenidos.

Loyola Park, 1230 W. Greenleaf Ave. Chicago, IL 60626.

El Día de Baile Gratis reúne a personas de todas las edades y niveles de experiencia para disfrutar de un día lleno de clases de baile, espectáculos y festividades, ¡todo gratis!
Este evento anual de puertas abiertas es una oportunidad para probar clases de baile en un ambiente comunitario relajado. Visite la casa-estudio de Synapse como socio artístico residente del Distrito de Parques de Chicago para probar una clase de libre movimiento, lleve a los niños  a probar clases de ballet y Hip Hop y ¡vea actuar a Synapse Performance Troupe!
¡Venga el Día de Baile Gratis y luego quédese para el Boo! Festejo presentado por Loyola Park que incluye un baile con DJ, manualidades, refrigerios y fotomatón de Halloween.

Puntos destacados del Día de Baile Gratis 2023:
* Clases de baile para niños y adultos
* Espectáculos de Performance Troupe (obtenga más información sobre Performance Troupe aquí o envie un correo electrónico con preguntas a
* ¡Fiesta De Halloween Boo! Festejo en colaboración con el Consejo Asesor de Loyola Park
* Aprendiendo juntos el baile Thriller
* Estreno de nuestra biblioteca Dancewear Share
* Rifa de mochilas

Para que estos eventos sean accesibles al público, el Día del Baile Gratis también ofrece servicios de accesibilidad en eventos como intérpretes de ASL, voz principal amplificada, orientación y adaptaciones sensoriales, incluida una sala silenciosa.

Información de acceso y ubicación (wayfinding)

Para que estos eventos sean accesibles al público, el Día del Baile Gratis también ofrece servicios de accesibilidad en eventos como intérpretes de ASL, voz principal amplificada, orientación y adaptaciones sensoriales, incluida una sala silenciosa. Es posible que haya otras opciones disponibles. Por favor escriba un correo electrónico a o envíe un texto/llame al 947-2CREATE (947-227-3283)

Usted puede salir de la clase en cualquier momento. No podemos proporcionar un espacio completamente tranquilo o privado, pero se designará un salón silencioso en el segundo piso. Habrá sillas disponibles a los lados del estudio y en el vestíbulo con una vista de la clase a través de puertas de vidrio.

No hay código de vestimenta, use ropa con la que pueda moverse cómodamente. Esto puede incluir zapatos de baile con suela suave o calcetines o pies descalzos. La clase de Hip Hop se puede realizar en zapatillas de deporte.

Por favor absténgase de usar o colocar productos con olores fuertes en el estudio.

Más sobre el Sorteo de Mochilas

¡Durante todo el día se podrá comprar boletos pare el sorteo de mochilas! Rifaremos 16 mochilas divertidas y brillantes, llenas de golosinas para los niños. Los ganadores de la rifa serán anunciados durante el Festejo Boo (no es necesario que el ganador esté presente para obtener su premio).

Boletos para la rifa: $1 por boleto, 7 por $5 o 15 por $10


Descripciones de las clases

Improvisación guiada de Reign Drop
“The Wolfpack Improvisation Jam”

Wolfpack es un jam de improvisación de contacto basado en el consentimiento que investiga la confianza radical y la comunidad. La manada se guía por la naturaleza y las propiedades curativas que se están en los arquetipos de canalización que se encuentran en los ríos, bosques, montañas, sombras, fuerzas invisibles y la lista seguirá creciendo. Únase a nosotros para una improvisación individual y grupal diseñadas para facilitar el crecimiento y la curación.
Para mayores de 13 años.

Clase de Gyrokinesis sentada de Jamila Kekulah
El método Gyrokinesis®️ utiliza secuencias de movimientos fluidos y rítmicos que despiertan el cuerpo desde adentro. En esta clase se le presentarán los movimientos básicos de la columna y la sincronización de la respiración y los movimientos. Llegue con curiosidad y salga con una sensación de restauración y vigorización.
Para mayores de 18 años.

Prueba de Ballet con Chartamia Turner
Esta actividad de nivel principiante es una introducción al ballet. La instrucción incluye las cinco posiciones, trabajo de piso y barra, así como combinaciones básicas de baile. Esta clase introduce a los estudiantes a la música y el movimiento con una progresión estructurada.

Para niños de 3 a 8 años.

Prueba de Hip Hop con Vanessa Maxwell
Aprenda bailes Hip Hop actuales y desarrolle técnicas para coreografiar el propio estilo libre. Esta clase enérgica incorpora música, danza y más.
Para niños de 6 a 11 años.

Performance Troupe
Estos jóvenes aspirantes a bailarines están aprendiendo lo que significa ser intérprete. Este grupo ha trabajado durante seis semanas para crear una pieza espeluznante y divertida para que todos disfruten. A través de este proceso, los bailarines han aprendido a bailar en grupo, recordar coreografías y expresar a través de la actuación.

¿Preguntas? Escriba un correo electrónico a o a Lucas a


Photo by: Mathew Gregory Hollis


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